Boise Car Show

The Boise Car Show is Saturday from 10am to 2pm at Westside Drive-In, 1113 East Parkway Boulevard.

First Saturday Cars and Coffee

The First Saturday Cars and Coffee is the first Saturday from 9:30am to 11;30am to Chow Public Market,7609 W Overland Road.

Idaho Chariots Boise Car Show

The 10th Annual Idaho Chariots Boise Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at the Westside Drive In, 1113 East Park Center Boulevard.

Saturday, June 15th is the 10th Annual Boise Car Show at the Park Center location of Westside Drive In (1113 East Parkcenter Blvd, Boise, ID) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We are celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Idaho Chariots! Every Registered vehicle will receive a raffle ticket for drawings of some fun prizes. There will be a DJ and great food available at the Westside Drive In.

Cruisin’ Hidden Springs

The Cruisin’ Hidden Springs  Car Show is Saturday from 10am to 4pm at the Hidden Springs Town Association, 5876 W. Hidden Springs Drive.

Join us for the 10th Anniversary of this spectacular car show! Over 200+ vehicles! (Show is currently sold out for participants but we have a wait list)
Nestled in the Foothills of Boise, Hidden Springs provides an incredible backdrop. Cars are hosted in the Apple Orchard and Merc Parking lot and some along Hidden Springs Drive. Tons of Spectators, which are free to attend. Lots of Kids events, music, Food Trucks, great Vendors, BSU Athletes and more!

Gear Jammers Car Show

The Gear Jammers Car Show and Barbecue is Saturday from 10am to 1pm at the Idaho State Veterans Home, 320 Collins Road.

Fundraiser for the Idaho State Veterans Home – Car Show with Live Music, Raffle, BBQ/Hot Dogs/Hamburgers, Stella’s Ice Cream